The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Monday 13 February 2012

MP's Continue To Steal Our Money

As the private sector increases the rate of redundancies, the unemployed and disabled are persecuted as "scroungers", wages are effectively cut and the number of OAP's dying of hypothermia doubles, MP's continue to push their snouts ever deeper into the public trough. Figures published today show that, since the expenses scandal first came to light, MP's have increased their expenses by a staggering 42%. Not only do we have to foot the bill for such essential items as satellite TV, chocolate bars, crisps and sandwiches, we are also paying to increase their property investment portfolio. Last year David Cameron claimed £21,000 for a mortgage on his Oxford mansion while George Osborne was content with a measly £18,000 - more money than many people in this country earn every year. Most of us have to pay for such things out of our earning but MP's seem to have to pay for nothing. Is this then a new scandal? Apparently not since all these things are allowed under the rules. Parliament promised to clear up the mess but, instead, they have simply moved the goal posts to give their continued greed the veneer or respectablity. They are thieves plain and simple.

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