There are few things more dangerous that an American with a gun in one hand and a bible in the other. Because of their gun laws, which are incomprehensible to the rest of the world, hundreds of millions of firearms slosh around their society and murder using guns is commonplace. So commonplace that the mass murder of primary school children and their teachers hardly makes an impression any more. Their self-righteous defence of their right the bear arms is both breathtakingly stupid in terms of their own society and self-serving since they are the biggest exporter of deadly weapons in the world. Now a group called "Defense Distributed" from Texas (where else?) has designed a plastic gun that can be created using a 3-D printer and are planning to make it freely available on the internet. The group is headed by Cody Wilson, a 25-year-old law student at the University of Texas, who describes himself as a crypto-anarchist and says that his insane plan is all about "liberty." The truth is that he is an irresponsible moron who is doing this thing simply because he can. No doubt, in the near future, he will be a multi-millionaire living in some tax haven somewhere and be completely immune from law or justice courtesy of his money. Whatever the future holds for this idiot, he certainly represents one of the most dangerous human beings on the planet as he stands ready to spread the American disease of gun-toting mayhem to the rest of the world. Worse still these weapons will be largely invisible to security systems in airports and other dangerous and sensitive locations making terrorism attacks that much easier to carry out.
Please don't judge the majority of us across the pond by these idiots. As the President recently noted, 90% of us are for more control and even many support the banning of automatic weapons and large magazines - certainly nothing larger than allowed by states' Depts of Natural Resources for hunting. There are definitely gun crackpots - way too many, but most of us (except Congress, apparently) disagree.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies if I gave the impression that I judge all Americans by this story. But, in my defence, have a look at some of the comments by your countrymen on this page. Disturbing hardly begins to describe it.
DeleteWow you have swallowed the State propaganda hook line and sinker. You clearly are just regurgitating what you have heard in the MSM. Crunch the numbers for yourself and even you couldn't help but come to a very different conclusion. Stop being such sheep. And as for payingattention, you clearly haven't been.
ReplyDeleteGun crime in America is at historically low levels primarily because of the increased gun ownership and the concealed carry laws. Your lies don't work on the educated and the informed. You'll be another anti gun imbecile who has never fired one let alone owned one. What's that saying about epitome of ignorance lol.
ReplyDeleteWhich is why the murder rate by firearm in the USA is 13 times what it is in Britain or Canada. Why would I want to own a firearm the only function of which is to kill other people? Who should I be afraid of? In Britain almost no one, since we are not armed and I am very unlikely ever to meet anyone who is armed. The reason for the huge death rate in the US is the number of guns that slosh about. Personally I don't care. If you want to live in a society in which you have to fear your neighbour and feel you need to be armed to the teeth get on with it. I simply draw the line at you idiots infecting the rest of the world with your madness.
ReplyDeletePS. I have actually lived in the US. I thought it was a complete madhouse.
ReplyDeleteLies, misinformation, poorly researched, fearmongering, drivel. You're just regurgitating what you've heared on the MSM, tut tut tut. Still they wouldn't spend millions peddling their lying propaganda if the didn't think some fool would fall for it. Why don't you check which states has the highest gun crime and which has the lowest and then check the gun laws for each. And as for Britian, we are the most violent country in Europe and have a higher violent crime rate than South Africa. The figures show in every instance that an armed society is a polite society. Now carry on being a good mouth piece for your paymasters.
ReplyDeleteYou live in a country where school children are regularly massacred by gun-toting nutters and you have the nerve to call my opinions drivel? With your level of eduction I probably would be tempted to kill my former teachers - but children? I didn't find American society particularly polite - nervous yes, but hardly polite. I don't have paymasters as you suggest - I work for a living. What do you do? Public relations for the Gun Lobby? As for fearmongering - there are few things more frightening than an American with a gun and a complete lack of moral compass. In 60 years I have been within 10 miles of six violent gun crimes. In six months in the United States I was within 10 miles of four.
DeleteAre you still working on that research about which states have the highest murder rate vs their gun laws. Ha, thought not, people like you don't concern themselves with facts, just emotional blackmail. Oooh the poor little children. Do you know that an FBI study calculated that 200,000 rapes Per year are averted because those potential rape victims pulled a gun on their attacker, yeah I thought you didn't. Criminals and rapists prefer an unarmed victim. So which are you? I know one thing for sure, you're a gun grabbing communist.
ReplyDeleteDoes that mean that the first State in the US to ban all guns will see its murder rate rocket? Personally I couldn't care less if you idiots are armed to the teeth just as long as you continue to shoot each other. Strangely enough crime is lower in Britain and rape is far rarer than it is in the USA and yet almost no one is armed. Like all gun-toting morons you believe that you will be able to heroically pull out your gun and fight off all assaults from evil criminals. The truth is they are far more likely to have worked out that you might well be armed as well and shoot you in the back of the head. Even criminals have a grasp of tactics and probably have a far more realistic view of how guns can be used than you seem to have. You're not John Wayne or Clint Eastwood - you're just a target.
ReplyDeleteHello Anonymous. I see Americans have been celibrating their "freedom" again by opening fire on a Mother's Day parade in New Orleans. Thank God everyone in the crowd was armed and returned fire. Oh no, they didn't have time or the presence of mind did they? Still the police, also armed to the teeth, were there to deter such an attack. That worked well didn't it? At least those struck by bullets can take solace in the fact that they aren't Godless Commies nor were those firing the weapons.
ReplyDeleteWow you're such a tool. I thought you'd be still working on those gun crime statistics, ah no probably not as they won't fit into your biggoted brainwashed narrative. And you only look a complete dick for the second time. Where did you get your rape stats from, boom wrong again the UK has just taken over the US in rapes per percentage of the population And the UK has higher rape stats than Zimbabwe. Do you like em young and disarmed too, paedo
ReplyDelete"Young and disarmed"! Are American children now armed then? Moron.
ReplyDeleteCI couldn't post the link but you can easily google it.
Where did he go? Not still looking for those stats is he. LMFAO.
ReplyDeleteLet's see if you understand these statistics - gun deaths in the USA is 13 times the level of gun deaths in Britain. That means that for every gun death in Britain there are 13 in the USA. Nor is this simply a refelction of the disparity in population sizes - these are figures adjusted for that disparity. The population of Britain is 60 million, that of the USA 350 million. That means that the actual figures are 65-70 gun deaths in the US for every one in Britain. I see that you have now taken to making unsubstantiated accusations against me personally. This I take it to mean that you fear you are losing the argument. You are, at the rate of 65-70 to 1. Do us all a favour - shoot yourself.
ReplyDeleteNow now dullard, don't be a little tinker, you were checking the statistics for the States with the highest gun crime vs their gun laws; or did you already check them and they don't quite fit your bigoted view point. What did you think of the LA Times Article [snigger]? and the UK rape statistics [snigger, snigger}? and the 200,000 averted rapes, [snigger, belly laugh].
ReplyDeleteSomeone who believes that a gun is the answer to every problem calls me a dullard? I couldn't give a tinker's cuss about statistics manufatured by the gun lobby. I only have to look at headlines from your violent country to see the truth. Your society kills schoolchildren on a regular basis mainly because few of you have working brain cells but many of you own guns. There was a saying from World War II that is rather apt. When the Germans came, the British took cover. When the British came, the Germans took cover. When the Amercan's came, everyone took cover. Anyone who believes that guns are a good idea in the kind or world morons like you have helped to create is seriously in need of growing up. Try being a real man for a change instead of hiding behind your gun and taking pride in your utter ignorance.
ReplyDeleteAh capitulation on using facts & statistics, so now back to your original plan which is just let rip with another bigoted opinion, using nothing but ignorance, fearmongering, scare tactics and if all else fails you play your emotional joker, "Oooh the poor little baby children"; gun ownership is not a zero sum game rape victims will tell you that, the UK has become one of the most violent societies in the world, the highest by far in Europe and even higher than South Africa, and if you bothered to look at the statistics you will see a huge increase in violent crime and aggravated burglaries after the gun ban came into place, the UK population are lambs to the slaughter. If you hadn't noticed, criminals don't follow the law and now they have nice easy unarmed victims. The US by comparison have had falling violent crime during the same period however, the States with the strictest gun laws Washington DC for example, has seen huge increase in gun crime, while states who have liberalised gun laws with legislation like the concealed carry act have witnessed plummeting gun and violent crime. Like I said a armed society is a polite society and you just can't stomach that fact.
ReplyDeleteGun crime has plunged, but Americans think it’s up, says study
ReplyDeleteby Emily Alpert
Gun crime has plunged in the United States since its peak in the middle of the 1990s, including gun killings, assaults, robberies and other crimes, two new studies of government data show.
Yet few Americans are aware of the dramatic drop, and more than half believe gun crime has risen, according to a newly released survey by the Pew Research Center. (see here: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2013/05/07/gun-homicide-rate-down-49-since-1993-peak-public-unaware/)
In less than two decades, the gun murder rate has been nearly cut in half. Other gun crimes fell even more sharply, paralleling a broader drop in violent crimes committed with or without guns. Violent crime dropped steeply during the 1990s and has fallen less dramatically since the turn of the millennium.
The number of gun killings dropped 39% between 1993 and 2011, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported in a separate report released Tuesday. Gun crimes that weren’t fatal fell by 69%. However, guns still remain the most common murder weapon in the United States, the report noted. Between 1993 and 2011, more than two out of three murders in the U.S. were carried out with guns, the Bureau of Justice Statistics found.
The bureau also looked into non-fatal violent crimes. Few victims of such crimes — less than 1% — reported using a firearm to defend themselves.
Despite the remarkable drop in gun crime, only 12% of Americans surveyed said gun crime had declined compared with two decades ago, according to Pew, which surveyed more than 900 adults this spring. Twenty-six percent said it had stayed the same, and 56% thought it had increased.
It’s unclear whether media coverage is driving the misconception that such violence is up. The mass shootings in Newtown, Conn., and Aurora, Colo., were among the news stories most closely watched by Americans last year, Pew found. Crime has also been a growing focus for national newscasts and morning network shows in the past five years but has become less common on local television news.
“It’s hard to know what’s going on there,” said D’Vera Cohn, senior writer at the Pew Research Center. Women, people of color and the elderly were more likely to believe that gun crime was up than men, younger adults or white people. The center plans to examine crime issues more closely later this year.
Experts debate why overall crime has fallen, attributing the drop to all manner of causes, such as the withering of the crack cocaine market and surging incarceration rates.
Some researchers have even linked dropping crime to reduced lead in gasoline, pointing out that lead can cause increased aggression and impulsive behavior in exposed children.
The victims of gun killings are overwhelmingly male and disproportionately black, according to Bureau of Justice Statistics and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. Compared with other parts of the country, the South had the highest rates of gun violence, including both murders and other violent gun crimes.
The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
ReplyDeleteBy James Slack
Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.
Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.
The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.
The Tories said Labour had presided over a decade of spiralling violence.
In the decade following the party's election in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks soared by 77 per cent to 1.158million - or more than two every minute.
The figures, compiled from reports released by the European Commission and United Nations, also show:
• The UK has the second highest overall crime rate in the EU.
• It has a higher homicide rate than most of our western European neighbours, including France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
• The UK has the fifth highest robbery rate in the EU.
• It has the fourth highest burglary rate and the highest absolute number of burglaries in the EU, with double the number of offences than recorded in Germany and France.
But it is the naming of Britain as the most violent country in the EU that is most shocking. The analysis is based on the number of crimes per 100,000 residents.
In the UK, there are 2,034 offences per 100,000 people, way ahead of second-placed Austria with a rate of 1,677.
The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.
Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.
'We're now on our fourth Home Secretary this parliament, and all we are getting is a rehash of old initiatives that didn't work the first time round. More than ever Britain needs a change of direction.'
The figures, compiled by the Tories, are considered the most accurate and up-to-date available.
But criminologists say crime figures can be affected by many factors, including different criminal justice systems and differences in how crime is reported and measured.
New Home Secretary Alan Johnson is to make his first major speech on crime today
In Britain, an affray is considered a violent crime, while in other countries it will only be logged if a person is physically injured.
There are also degrees of violence. While the UK ranks above South Africa for all violent crime, South Africans suffer more than 20,000 murders each year - compared with Britain's 921 in 2007.
Experts say there are a number of reasons why violence is soaring in the UK. These include Labour's decision to relax the licensing laws to allow round-the-clock opening, which has led to a rise in the number of serious assaults taking place in the early hours of the morning.
But Police Minister David Hanson said: 'These figures are misleading.
Levels of police recorded crime statistics from different countries are simply not comparable since they are affected by many factors, for example the recording of violent crime in other countries may not include behaviour that we would categorise as violent crime.
Read more:
Utter tosh.
DeleteYou were too lazy to do your research so I did it for you.
ReplyDeleteYou can quote all the spurious statistics you want, it still won't stop nutters in your country murdering children at school. I've lived in the US and I know how violent and crazy it is. It is personal experience not the ravings of some nutter with more bullets in his gun than brain cells in his head. As I've said I honestly don't care if you Yanks blow each other away, what I object to is you lot spreading your stupidity elsewhere. Guns are always dangerous but are particularly so in the hands of morons like you. So go ahead, be my guest and keeping shooting at each other.
DeleteWhen it comes to bigotry you are in a complete league of your own. You have not posted a single credible statistic, just emotional drivel, Oooh the little children. The UK with its gun ban has become one of the most violent places on the plannet to live. And it's communist gun grabbers like you who are directly to blame. Don't listen to this blogger people, he's a paid communist shill, looking to steel every last bit of your personal liberty.
DeleteThe mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye, the more light you pour upon it the more it will contract."
DeleteIf you mean I am bigoted against mindless morons with guns then you are right. Despite your ridiculous claims Britain is not a violent country. I am not a communist nor am I in the pay of dark liberal forces bent on taking your gun off you. Keep it if that's your idea of freedom. You are not free. You are afraid of your own shadow and have to have a gun to make yourself feel safe. You spout the usual nonsense about godless commies and liberty that leaves the rest of the world laughing at you. Keep killing kids if it makes you feel like a man. They should be able to look to you as an example. Instead all they get is the mindless babblings of a gun-crazed loon.
DeleteYou unbelievable bigoted ameba. Britain is not a violent country And you've got your facts from where?
DeleteYou're a paid communist blogger, you work in a university spewing our your leftist tripe. You take after your dad who was also a well known communist.
Like I said, the bigot shys away from facts, the educated are on to your type, that's why you get no supportive comments, you're part of a dying few, because people see you for what you are, a nasty liberty grabbing wealth grabbing totalitarian who wants everyone to cower down to the supreme power of the State.
The 4th turning is on its way and your a dying species.
Ameba? Do you mean amoeba by any chance? I wish I was a paid communist blogger, I could certainly do with the money. You laugh at the death of children and call me a bogot? Like I said I am quite happy for you to enjoy your freedom and shoot as many of your fellow morons as you like until one of them shoots you. A communist and a wealth grabber? I've certainly cornered the market in the world of conspiracy theories. You are not talking about freedom, you are talking about anarchy in which the strongest and most heavily armed can be the only victor. Of course that won't be you - you lack the necessary brain power. The only dying species seems to be Homo Americanus, the only animal that massacres its own children.
DeletePS. I get my facts by living here you dick.
DeletePolice 'ordered to slant crime data’
ReplyDeleteCrime figures are being kept artificially low because of pressure from chief constables, a police leader will warn this week.