The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Lansley Blackmails The Country.

Andrew Lansley, unable to get any support for his evil bid to privatise the NHS, has now resorted to blackmail and threats to get his way. "It's too late," he has told the country gleefully after admitting that he's pushed through fundamental changes without bothering to get the necessary legislation through parliament. To put it simply Lansley has completely ignored the democractic process and has deliberately underminned the legal process to impose his will on the rest of us. With fatcat companies set to take over commissioning groups that, according to Lansley, should be in the hands of GP's, the Health Minister is desperate to foist his changes on us so that he and those who are queuing up to bribe him can plunder our NHS. As for the famous "listening exercise," James O'Shaughnessy, David Cameron's former adviser, has admitted that the whole thing was nothing but a tactic designed to park opposition while Lansley got on with his completely illegal changes. Unable to persuade or cajole healthcare professionals, the public or parliament, the Tories have resorted to crime in order to get their way and, like any criminals, should now face the consequencies. And make no mistake, even within our ramshackle and largely unwritten constitution, this constitutes a serious and criminal attempt to subvert democracy and the rule of law in Britain. The Tory party now stands revealed for what it is - an organised criminal enterprise, gangsters wearing a cloak of respectability. In the United States David Cameron and Andrew Lansley would now be facing impeachment.

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