The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Unions Call For "Day of Action" on November 30th.

After Unions call for a "Day of Action" on November 30th the Tory Party has swung into a day of action of their own in order to annoy as many people as possible. "This will really upset people who don't like strikes," the Minister for Frightening Voters told us. "Some people might even find this inconveniences them - especially if they've still got jobs and their children still bother going to school. The unions have made a huge mistake by using this tactic and will quickly find that people simply don't support their vile attempts to protect them from us." Ed Milliband supported the Tory line; "Unions should not strike because that nice woman, Mrs.Thatcher, said they shouldn't. If this goes ahead they might bring down the Tory-led coalition and then Labour might have to take over. What the unions don't understand is that this will completely undermine our strategy of standing to one side while the Tories do all the nasty things and get the blame."

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