The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Greek People Refuse to Cooperate.

As the Greek Prime Minister, Mr. Papandreou, showed off his excellent English while spoking to the EU parliament in Srasbourg, his people put up two fingers to his pledge to do as the IMF told him. A new tax that the Greek government is trying to impose on property has been met in Greece with universal rejection. The pople themselves have said they will not pay it and a plan to collect by adding it to electricity bills seems unlikely as the utility company has refused to do so. We asked an expert what would happen if the Greek people refused to cooperate and the austerity programme failed; "Greece would default on its debt, be declared bankrupt and ordinary people would be better off as the banks would be forced to pick up the bill. In other words a disaster of untrammeled proportion - if you're a European banker that is. And the contagion might spread with Italy, Spain and Portugal refusing to pay the banks back for their dismally stupid judgements. Ordinary people must realise that they have to pay back the debts piled up by the banks and those who were rich enough to borrow money to fund filmstar lifestyles. Otherwise the whole system will fall apart and rich people might begin to suffer too."

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