The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Cameron Forgets to Blame Labour.

In a terrible gaff that has left even members of his own party wondering wether Cameron is up to the job, the part-time Prime Minister told the IMF; "The recovery out of the recession for the advanced economies will be difficult. Growth in Europe has stalled, growth in America has stalled. The effect of the Japanese earthquake, high oil and fuel prices is creating a drag on growth. But fundamentally we are still facing the aftermath of the world financial bust and economic collapse in 2008." Stunned Tories were furious at him for forgetting to blame Labour. "What's the point of writing a script if the bloody leader forgets to use it?" one cabinet member told "The News in Shorts." "My God," Vince Cable told us, "if he goes on like this people will start blaming us and that is doubly infuriating when its true." Asked for his comments Ed Milliband said; "Even I was beginning to believe it. So the banks were to blame after all - who would credit it eh?"

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