The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Institute Of Directors Want To Pay Less Tax

The Institute of Directors has called for a tax cut - for them. "We've looked closely at the problem of Britain's economic slowdown and have concluded that it can be cured if we have to pay less tax," a spokesman told us. "We have fourteen proposals for the government he added eagerly. "These include halving corporation tax to make us a lot richer, improving labour market flexibility so we can pay less making us much richer, aboloshing green policy so we can pollute more making us a lot richer, aboloshing the £10,000 tax allowance so poor people pay more tax to make up for us paying less, deregulation so we can do whatever we like making us much richer, scrap planning laws so we can do what we like making us much richer, more public sector pension reform so we can steal pension funds to pay for us being much richer and reduce public spending even further so we don't have to pay so much tax making us even richer. As you can see all of these proposals are quite reasonable and are not selfish at all." In response to this George Osborne, patron saint of the wealthy and the self-centred, said; "I see all this as perfectly reasonable. Having borrowed billions to fund film star lifestyles and now worried about rising interest rates, its only fair that they should now pay less in tax as taxpayers money is used to bail out the economy. Bailing out the banks is a duty of the poor, not the rich."

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