The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Friday 14 October 2011

Is Adam Werritty A New Christine Keeler?

It emerged today that Adam Werritty was paid by outsiders to "influence" Liam Fox and then follow him into sensitive meetings with foreign heads of state to make sure the Minister performed as instructed. Fortunately, it turns out, these outsiders were not arms dealers and the like but merely right-wing madmen making sure that Liam Fox remained ideologically sound and pushed forward the agenda of foreign powers and "interest" groups. Adam Werritty, under the misleading non-title of a private "special advisor" was, effectively, working as a foreign agent - a plot that could have come out of the wastepaper basket of Ian Fleming. We asked Liam Fox for a statement; "Do you expect me to talk?" he asked. "No Mr.Fox," our reporter replied, stroking a white cat for effect, "I expect you to resign." Meanwhile the right-wing 1922 Committee within the Tory party has come out strongly in Liam Fox's support; "Liam might be utterly stupid and has allowed to upper echelons of government to be pentetrated by foreign powers, but he has our full support because we are completely insane too. We see nothing wrong in a Minister of Defence surrounding himself with foreign agents or allowing foreigner's to have direct access to secret information. It's not as if Liam was shagging a prostitute like Profumo in 1963 is it?"

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