The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Lord Ashcroft Forgets Who He Is Again.

Lord Ashcroft, the man famous only for being a tax-dodging millionaire, has written in the the "Telegraph" to give advice to George Osborne about being honest. The peer is a particularly loathsome individual who has practically bought the entire country of Belize in order to maintain his "pay no tax to anyone" business ethic. Worse, as far as the editor of the "News In Shorts" is concerned, is that he was recently described in a documentary concerning World War II as a "military historian." Lord Ashcroft "graduated" from Mid-Essex Technical College with a HND in Business Studies and has no right whatsoever to call himself an "historian" of any sort or variety. Now this unrepentent liar, a man once described by a judge as little better than a blackmailer, has had the sheer gaul to advise George Osborne to tell the truth. "A widespread feeling remains that many of those living on out of work benefits have chosen to do so," his Lordship tells us primly. Well he would know since he long ago gave up any pretence of work in favour of a life freeloading on the back of the rest of us. As for the economy he advises that George should ram home the message that international conditions have tied his hands while, at the same time, blaming Labour for the problem in the first place. Rather than allowing this tax-dodging millionaire to pollute its comumn inches the "Telegraph" would spend its time better if it led a campaign to have this individual prosecuted under the trades description act.

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