The News In Shorts
How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Back-To-Work Companies Demand More Torture Of The Unemployed.
Having spent two years trying to shoehorn 2 million unemployed into 500,000 jobs the "back-to-work" companies are beginning to panic. Unable to make the kind of money they would like for teaching people to write "killer" CV's and coaching the unemployed in interview techniques they are increasingly turning to punishing the unemployed through the imposition of sanctions. Now they are asking the government for more punishments to be handed out for those who refuse to get non-existant jobs. In a mealy-mouthed statement Chris Grayling, the Employment minister, said; "This government expects jobseekers to comply with the conditions of their benefit if they are receiving taxpayers' money." The same might be said of MP's who continue to abuse the expenses system to line their own pockets and look to backhanders from corporate "lobbyists" for nice little earners at the expense of the rest of us. We might also expect a British government to work in the interests of the people rather than in their own interests but, alas, the idea that they are there to serve the people as a whole is not a principle they are prepared to consider. Unwilling to take any action that might alleviate the situation the Tories have only one solution to every problem - punish the victims. They continue to trot out the same tired old phrases about tax-payers money, but conveniently choose to forget that they, too, are paid through the public purse and ignore the fact that they are hardly good value for money.
The Trouble With Demographics.
The baby boom generation has come in for a lot of adverse publicity recently. They are "responsible," it is constantly suggested, for placing a strain on public services that simply cannot be maintained. Their demand for pensions is bankrupting the nation and the NHS is buckling under the strain. At this year's Local Government Association conference, councillors, already under pressure because of government cuts, have taken to calling the demographics of modern Britain "the graph of doom." People are living longer, government ministers never tire of telling us, as if this explains eveything, but what does it all actually mean? Baby-boomers were born, roughly, between 1945 and 1970 and do represent a "bulge" in the demographic profile of the nation that gradually works it way up the age gradient. The oldest are now in their mid-sixties, the youngest are still only in their early forties and, it is generally agreed, they are probably the healthiest people of that age that this country has ever seen. Better yet, successive governments threw open the doors to immigration into this country which, at the time, was explained as reflecting the need for more labour and to smooth out the threatening demographics that the baby-boomers represented. So what has gone wrong? Have the baby-boomers suddenly become less healthy? Has immigration dried up? The answer to both questions is a resounding "no". What has actually happened is that a small number of baby-boomers, informed by the Thatcherite legacy, have become incredibly selfish and greedy. And they don't want to pay taxes. Desperately looking around for an excuse to not pay tax they have hit upon blaming those of their generation who have not done as well as themselves in terms of accumulating wealth. The "problem", they tell us, is too big to handle so there's no point trying. Better to reduce their pensions and withdraw services to fund tax cuts for the rich. As such the babyboom "problem" is simply another example of the Tory tactic of divide and rule - the comfortably-well-off against the the less-well-off, the employed against the unemployed, the able-bodied against the disabled, the private sector against the public sector. I am a baby boomer. I was once part of the solution - now I find that I'm the problem. How did that happen?
Benefits Claimant Sets Fire To Himself.
Two people were left fuming outside of government buildings yesterday, both desperate for someone to notice them. The first was Hugh Robertson, the government Olympics Minister, who had forgotten his security pass. The second was an unnamed benefits claimant outside the Jobcentre in Selly Oak Birmingham who had been left without money after being declared fit for work and his dasablement entitlement was withdrawn. Hugh Robertson reacted by throwing a tantrum and telling the security guards, “I’m the Olympics minister. You should damn well know who I am,” and “I’m on the television all the time.” It was a display of typical Tory arrogance and simply demonstrated that Mr. Hughs is not as famous or as important as he likes to imagine. The second, unknown, man was a little more dramatic in his reaction and far more desperate - he set fire to himself. The first was miffed because his dignity had been pricked, for the second it was literally a matter of life and death. While the rest of the country is preparing to watch the Olympics on their goggle-boxes, and various rich and over-privileged nonentities show off by actually going to the games, many people in this country are looking forward to destitution and a life sleeping rough on the streets. While bankers lie, cheat, steal and quaff their champagne and politicians lie, cheat, steal and quaff their champagne, ordinary people are being driven to suicide. Is this the price that Cameron tells us is worth paying to save the banks from themselves?
Bob Diamond Clings To Life.
Bob Diamond has declared today that he will not resign and continues to insist that being a criminal or simply an incompetent is not grounds to part him from his £17 million a year. The manipulation of the Libor was the reckless action of a "small number" of employees and had nothing whatsoever to do with him. As for the £17 million a year, that is simply the sort of money that is needed to retain the services of a man who has no idea how a bank should actually work or what the people who work for him actually do. The Murdoch defence is certainly becoming very fashionable this year. His defence strains credibility but no more than his insistence that people like him are worth every penny they're paid. But what does strain credibility to the breaking point is his belief that we will swallow any self-serving tosh he cares to dole out. The arrogance of people like Mr.Diamond naturally knows no bounds, but it is their imbecility that really impresses. Who are these masters of the universe who cannot even master their own staff or the businesses they think they run and why are they paid so much for actually doing so little? Are they nothing but plausible conmen whose only real talent is that they can talk a good fight? Yes, apparently.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Banks And MP's Still On The Fiddle.
Sir Mervyn King outlined for us all today what we already knew - that the banks have been taken over by a bunch of crminals and spivs. Not only have they been fraudulently manipulating interest rates, they have also been "selling" useless insurance policies to small companies seeking loans in a rerun of the PPI scam. These were the same people who, we were told, had to have huge bonuses to prevent them from leaving their jobs and going elsewhere. We should be so lucky. They are criminals, pure and simple, and should be in prison where they belong. That they are not is due to the fact that no government, with the exception of Iceland, has had the backbone to do the right thing. In Britain, however, there seems to be another reason why action has not been taken and that is the fact that many of our MP's and government ministers are crooks themselves. Remember the expenses scandal? Remember how contrite our MP's were, apologising, wringing their hands and begging for our forgiveness and understanding? It now turns out that the money they paid back was immediately claimed back by them in a secret deal brokered between themselves. Criminals overseeing the nefarious activities of other criminals? No wonder nothing was ever done. These are the activities of our "betters." People with an overwhelming sense of entitlement who make benefit scroungers look like rank amateurs and will pauperise the whole world in order to save a system that allows them to pursue their criminal careers. It is time to turn the whole lot of them out into the gutter where they belong.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Tories Target Schools For Privatisation.

Osborne Borrows More To Fund Failure.

Monday, 25 June 2012
Hospital Driven To Bankruptcy.

Cameron To Reintroduce Eugenics.

Nick Clegg Decides On Electoral Suicide.

Sunday, 24 June 2012
Cameron's Final Solution.

Tories Cotemplate Exchanging Turnip For Muppet.

Saturday, 23 June 2012
Ian Duncan Smith The Novelist

Friday, 22 June 2012
Are We Ruled By The Criminally Insane?

Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Cameron Gets Sanctimonious.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Republicans Shocked That Women Actually Exist.

Tories Revel In Corruption.

Monday, 18 June 2012
The Turkeys Vote For Christmas

Sunday, 17 June 2012
Ian Duncan Smith Removes Right To Strike.

Ian Duncan Smith - J'Accuse.

Friday, 15 June 2012
Osborne Launches New Idiotic Scheme.

Thursday, 14 June 2012
The Mansion House Speech And Other Fairy Tales.

Tories Lock In Inequality.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Tories Caught By "Surprise."

Monday, 11 June 2012
George Osborne Denies "Vast Conspiracy."

Spain: What's The Difference?

Sunday, 10 June 2012
George Osbourne Lectures Europe.

Saturday, 9 June 2012
Evil Tory Ian Duncan Smith Still Pursuing The Disabled.

Thursday, 7 June 2012
Cameron "Baffled."

Bank Of England To Choose Between Equally Useless Measures.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Warsi Apologises As Cameron Throws Her To The Wolves.

Return To Slavery Underpins The Jubilee.

Monday, 4 June 2012
Jubilee Anaesthetises The Nation.

Sunday, 3 June 2012
Baroness Warsi In More Sleaze.
Baroness Warsi, who approaches every problem with an open mouth, has today been mired by further allegations of sleaze. These concern her business dealings with a spice company in which she owns the controlling shares and which she "neglected" to tell anyone about. Worse yet it seems her partner in the business, Abid Hussain, is a known associate of Hizb ut Tahrir, the radical Islamic group the Tories promised to ban while in opposition. Better yet she also took Mr.Hussain with her on an official trip to Pakistan where he met with Pakistani ministers. Sound familiar? It remains "unclear" if Baroness Warsi was paid for her directorship of the company in question - perhaps she took on the position for "charitable" reasons - but the parallels with the Liam Fox-Adam Werriry debacle are clear. Since the Coalition came to power the Tory co-Chairman, despite the fact that her main political focus should have been firmly in parliament, has been on no less than 17 junkets abroad, two of which were paid by the Saudi government and and one by an Azerbaijani expatriate. Eight others were paid for by you and me, while the other six are yet to be accounted for. We asked the Baroness for a statement; "I am unaware." After a pause our reporter asked her what she was "unaware" of. "Everything," she replied. "I am unaware that I'm supposed to declare my interests in business. Unaware that when I claim to have paid rent I should at least have actually paid it. I am also unaware of any associations that Mr.Hussain might have or what he was doing when I took him to Pakistan for reasons that remain wholly mysterious to me. I'd claim disability allowance for the early onset of dementia but we've already banned that. What were we talking about?"
The Stupid Still In Charge.
I have just been watching a Tory on the BBC show "The Big Questions" who stated in all seriousness that rich people getting richer does not make poor people poorer. He, like so many of the greedy and stupid people who have been running the world economy, refuse to understand that the "cake" is finite. Meanwhile "Which" magazine has felt that it is important to warn George Osborne not to back off on bank reform is the face of their ongoing scaremongering and propaganda. Why would they feel that they have to do that? The answer is supplied by the "MailOnline" which points out that Osbourne is the laziest and least well-informed Chancellor in living memory. He apparently doesn't like to talk about economics because he doesn't know much about it and feels that his underlings should do the actual work because he doesn't understand what work is. The recent budget is a case in point. Having cobbled together a partisan, deeply unfair and deeply flawed budget he has now spent the last few days and weeks reversing much of it as it became clear that many of his "policies" just couldn't be done. That is the problem when knee-jerk reaction is elevated to the level of policy. This government is illustrative of all that has been wrong with the world financial system over the last 30 years. The willfully blind have driven us over a cliff for their own selfish purposes and now want the willfully stupid to somehow rescue them from their own idiocy.
LibDems Ready To Switch Sides.
Senior LibDems, having woken up to the fact that five years isn't all that long after all, have made an approach to Labour to see if their is any chance of redemption. They are now apparently interested in forming a "progressive" coalition with Labour after the next general election in order to undo all the vicious stupid things they've done while in coalition with the Tories. "Politics is a difficult business," a unnamed LibDem spokesman told our reporter, "especially when you've no principles left to bargain with. Still nothing ventured and all that. Given that we will be slaughtered in the next general election we've decided that the best thing to do is form our own opposition to ourselves. That should confuse the electorate sufficiently to allow some of us to survive. Failing that we can use the Murdoch strategy and tell everyone that we had no idea what the Tories were doing."
Saturday, 2 June 2012
What Do Tories Actually Think About The NHS?
Just when you think that the Tories can't get any more disgusting they show quite plainly that they can. Below is reproduced an email from John Butcher, Tory Councillor for Surrey and Elmbridge. -
"1 Please pass on my apology for absence from the Surrey HOSC meeting on 24 May 2012, but I have a hospital appointment that day, and it has already been postponed once.
2 Because of the economic catastrophe facing the capitalist world, the NHS, that is a Marxist organisation, is bound to fail - like Greece.
The government’s efforts to ‘improve’ it are merely a postponement of that failure, which will arise from ever-increasing demand for, and the unit costs of, healthcare and the ever-decreasing national wealth available to afford those demands and costs, through taxation or otherwise.
Politicians who support the diversion of increasingly scarce fiscal resources into propping up the NHS, without taking measures to curb demand, not only accelerate its eventual demise but allow more important demands on the public purse to go unmet, with serious adverse consequences to the people. It will be the people who suffer from the collapse of the NHS – but they will have only themselves to blame - for voting in politicians who promise to improve the NHS regardless of other factors.
3 One way of saving the NHS is to encourage patients to take very much more care of themselves, with penalties on those who won’t do that. If the NHS in Surrey were to be run on the basis that patients with self-inflicted morbidity (mainly - smoking, alcohol, narcotics, obesity) and injury (dangerous activities) are, following due warning, placed in a much slower-moving queue for healthcare than ‘other’ patients, this would encourage the self-inflicted to move away from Surrey, to areas where there is no differentiation between patients on the grounds of their contribution towards their condition.
And it would deter the self-inflicted from coming to live in Surrey. Over time, that would result in the healthcare for the ‘other’ patients in Surrey being significantly better than the average national level for all patients, as the resources deployed to the self-inflicted would be very much reduced.
This factor would attract more ‘other’ patients to come to live in Surrey – and that would push up house prices here – assuming that planning controls remain similar to now.
4 Eventually the self-inflicted patients would end up living in ‘equality’ areas that are dominated by politicians who pander to their needs, thus driving more ‘other’ patients out of those areas, as healthcare there will be badly affected by the over-dominance of the self-inflicted.
These ‘other’ patients would move into areas, such as, hopefully, Surrey, where ‘other’ patients are not nearly so adversely affected. Eventually the country will be sharply divided into two types of area:
4.1 the ‘equality’ ones, where the self-inflicted unhealthy are treated the same as all patients, and 4.2 the ‘others’, such as, hopefully, Surrey.
Average life expectancy will be substantially lower (by, say, 20 years) in the ‘equality’ areas than in the ‘others’. This may mean that ‘other’ patients moving out of ‘equality’ areas may have to live in a less desirable dwelling, because of house price differentials, but that is a trade-off, that they can choose, with healthcare differentials between the two types of area.
Such house price differentials already apply for schooling, with houses on one side of a catchment boundary being worth a lot more than houses on the other side of it.
Indeed, the perception that the gap in those prices between those two types of healthcare area will grow substantially will encourage the ‘other’ patients in those ‘equality’ areas to move out of them sooner, lest they see their dwelling there becoming worthless.
5 Thus, any political party that seeks to pander to the needs of the self-inflicted unhealthy, and to win their votes, will suffer twofold: 5.1 mortality will ensure that its voters will be much fewer in number than the ‘others’, and
5.2 by concentrating its voters into particular areas, that party will never be able to win enough seats to dominate Parliament.
Regards John Butcher" -
Lovely isn't it?
Eric Pickles Announces Another Tory Housing Scam.
Eric Pickles has today announced a new initiative to allow unscrupulous landlords to cash in yet again on the housing shortage. Disgusied as a measure that allows ordinary families to convert their garages to "granny flats" and ease the housing shortage by moving the elderly out of houses that are too large for them, the devil, as usual, is in the detail. Pickles measure calls for making it easier to adapt garages and "other outbuildings." In other words, having looked at the huge number of garages that have been let out to migrant workers, the Tories have found a way to legitimise this and cash in on it at the same time. The scam, of course, has been couched in cosy and warm phrases intended to appeal to the middle-classes such as the idea that these outbuildings "could also be used to accommodate young people looking to make their first step on to the housing ladder." But the message is clear. Unable to countenance the idea of building proper houses for people, scared that house prices might fall and frightened that an expansion of the housing stock would undermine the profits of landlords, Pickles is determined to squeeze as many of the peasants into overcrowded slum housing as possible.
Politicians Continue Destruction Of World Economy.
Manufacturing output in Britain fell in May by the greatest amount in three years. Meanwhile the economic forecast for next year has been downgraded, yet again, to 0.1% which, in statistical terms, is indistinguishable from no growth at all. It is reported that Spain's manufacturing output is now below that of Greece while unemployment across Europe is at 11% and climbing. It is a picture of unremitting gloom from Crete to Scotland, from Portugal to Poland and its getting worse while politicians chant "austerity" like a mantra and the banks plunder entire countries to make good the loses they made through their incompetent and reckless gambling. All this is a direct consequence of a literally bankrupt ideology and politicians more concerned about their personal fortunes than the good of their countries. As reported a couple of days ago in the "News in Shorts" a twelve-year old Canadian girl is the only voice of reason that has been heard so far and only one country, Iceland, has shown enough courage to abandon an economic system that destroys overall wealth and is designed to transfer what is left from the from the poor to the already rich. The world economy is bleeding to death while our leaders are still wielding the knife like demented serial killers. It is time to stop these madmen (and women) and to find a new economic order that delivers fairness if it cannot guarantee prosperity.
Friday, 1 June 2012
Britain Readies Itself To Celebrate 1,000 Years of Slavery.
The statues at Westminster say a great deal about this country and about the myths that sustain its skewed view of itself. Hard by Westminster Bridge we have Boudicca, a Celtic Queen of the Icenii, whose statue would more properly sited in Cardiff. Not far away stands the statue of Richard I, a King who spent less than 6 months in England throughout his 10-year reign and who spoke no English whatsoever. 1,000 years ago a gangster who specialised in protection rackets gathered together a bunch of thugs on horseback and butchered the elected, yes elected, King of England. Having won the Battle of Hastings, William the Conquerer then embarked on a shakedown of the country that included the ethnic cleaning of the North. It wasn't until 1216 that anyone manged to even loosen the grip of the Norman mobsters who had seized the country and, even then, Magna Carter was little more than a subdivision of the national cake by another bunch of bully-boys. Through a series of homicidal maniacs,sex offenders, wife beaters and family murderers we have, after 1,000 years of this nonsense, ended up with a Royal Family that is German in origin, not that bright and utterly dependent on a state that cannot afford them. Yet these people are held up as a national icon, proof positive that "breeding" will produce a superior kind of human being. The Queen, through a tortuous route, can trace her ancestry back to an Irish Dark Age warlord called Niall of the Nine Hostages. Funnily enough so can the editor of "The News In Shorts." Him and 12 million other people in this country. Perhaps we should all share the throne along with the other 10 million who can trace their ancestry back to Edward I and the 60-odd million whose families can also be traced back a long way - about 150,000 years like everyone else on the planet.
U-Turn, Diversion Or Grubby Climb Down?
While Jeremy Hunt was doing his best to appear innocent at the Leveson Enquiry, George Osbourne suddenly announced that he was reversing his policy on capping donations to charity. It was immediately seized on by the press as an example of an obvious diversionary tactic to take the heat out of Hunt's appearance. Meanwhile David Cameron has reiterated his position that Hunt's behaviour will not be investigated by Sir Alex Allen, his adviser on the ministerial code. But, of course, all of this was quickly noticed by the press who have put two and two together and made twenty-two. What slipped most of them by was another story that caused fewer ripples in this rather stagnant pond. This was the story that John Moulton the venture capitalist and a major "donator" to the Tory party was going to cut the purse strings in retaliation over the charity cap. Now why, you might ask, would he do that? After all he couldn't possibly be engaged in some sort of charity scam that enabled him to dodge tax liabilities could he? No, he says, its because it will hurt charities. The major charities, however, have pointed out that they rarely receive donations that even begin to approach the cap and that most of their money comes from small donations given by ordinary people. Strangely enough Mr.Moulton is also calling for even greater austerity and doesn't seem to mind too much about the damage that would inflict on ordinary people or the liklihood that would damage donations to charities to an even greater degree. As for George Osbourne's decision to reverse the cap, that couldn't possibly have anything to do with £300,000 that Mr.Moulton has donated to the Tories since 2004 - could it?
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