Baroness Warsi, who's memory is worse than a goldfish or a Murdoch, has apologised to David Cameron for inadvertantly taking a business partner with her on an official trip to Pakistan. Claiming that she completely forgot that Abid Hussain was also involved in a business venture with her, despite the fact that he is related to her husband, she failed completely to explain why he accompanied her on the trip at all. In reply David Cameron wrote; "There are clearly some lessons for future handling and I have asked Alex Allan, my adviser on ministers' interests, to consider the issues that have been raised with respect to the Ministerial Code and to provide advice to me as rapidly as possible". Of course Alex Allan has a clear desk at the moment since a similar investigation of Jeremy Hunt has been kicked into the tall grass. The question is why Baroness Warsi is being investigated while Jeremy Hunt is not. The "News in Shorts" has reviewed the evidence and come to some startling conclusions. Baroness Warsi is a smug, self-satisfied moron without a brain in her head who has proven to be an embarassment to the Tory party. Jeremy Hunt, on the other hand, is a smug, self-satisfied moron without a brain in his head who was put in place for one very specific underhand deal - getting Murdoch's deal over BSkyB through. Warsi has been less than useful, while Jeremy Hunt, just as incompetent and stupid as the Baroness, still provides the valuable service of acting as a flak jacket for David Cameron. Nice to see that Cameron regards his own colleagues in much the same way he does the rest of the people in this country - with cynical contempt.
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