The object pictured above is a Red Cross Parcel, something not seen in Britain since the end of World War II but also something that many in Britain will become familiar with this winter. The Red Cross organisation is now so concerned about what is happening in Britain that they have decided to intervene and help distribute food in order to avoid a humanitarian disaster. Britain is now officially regarded as a third world country and is being accorded the sort of help normally reserved for natural disaster zones. Homelessness is about to soar in Britain as the Tory's bedroom tax and cuts to Council Tax Benefits begin to bear fruit. They are now rubbing their hands together with glee as 156,500 summons are being issued to the poorest members of society which includes 12,000 disabled people, 2,000 carers and dozens of former army personnel thrown onto the scrap heap to make way for the new unpaid volunteer armed forces and because they are no longer required to die in Afghanistan. Meanwhile the energy companies are busily engaged with plans to kill off some of their less valued customers this winter, raising prices by an eye-watering 8% while the Tory party guards their flanks and allows them to cut the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO). The ECO is a scheme whereby energy companies are obliged to pay for the installation of energy efficiency measures designed to help low-income households. This winter, as they rant about "Reds Under The Bed", the Tories will be doing what they do best - killing the poor, the vulnerable and the elderly so they can cut their own tax bill and enjoy their Fortnum and Mason Christmas hampers safe in the knowledge that they are thinning the ranks of potential Labour voters. In any other country this would be regarded with mounting horror and indignation, calls would be made in the UN for regime change and the Americans would be moving their fleet into position for a military strike. In Britain such things barely rate a mention while the Tories are regarded with a sort of amused indulgence rather than as the murderous gang of criminals that they are.
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