The News In Shorts
How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
MP's Won't Have To Pay More For Their Pensions After All.

Monday, 25 February 2013
Who Will Ride The Revolutionary Wave?

Sunday, 24 February 2013
Nick Clegg: "I Don't Know What I Know."

Iceland Still Being Ignored By World's Press.

Saturday, 23 February 2013
Britain Waves Bye Bye To Its AAA Credit Rating.

Friday, 22 February 2013
Has Iain Duncan Smith Blinked?

Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Journalists Decide They Like Unions After All.

Monday, 18 February 2013
Why The Tories Really Want To Jetison Human Rights.

Is Iain Duncan Smith Too Good To Stack Shelves?

Sunday, 17 February 2013
Goves Education Policy "Just One Damned Thing After Another."

Saturday, 16 February 2013
Tories Worried That Women Don't Like Them

Friday, 15 February 2013
Tories Celebrate Food Industry Deregulation.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013
IDS Loses Right To Enslave The Unemployed.
A court has found that Ian Duncan Smith, the most smug, self-satisfied and evil man in British politics, doesn't have the right to enslave the unemployed after all. In two cases, that of Cait Reilly from Birmingham and Jamie Wilson from Nottingham, it was found unlawful to force them into unpaid work or to threaten them with a loss of benefits if they refuse. So it's back to the drawing board for IDS whose wet dream of having the power of life and death over poor people is now in tatters. We asked IDS for his reaction; "This is terrible. I am an important person and have a natural right to bully and torture the unemployed as I please. They'll be telling me next that I don't have the right to starve cripples to death or force them to beg in the streets as they deserve. What is wrong with this country? I was only trying to be fair to rich people who really, really don't want to pay tax. What's wrong with that? The real problem is that there are too many people in Britain with a rudimentary education and I still hope that Michael Gove will be able to do something about that soon. Once we can get the scum in this country to recognise my natural superiority and touch their forelock when I glare at them everything will be well. Until then I have to put up with people who still believe they have rights and are in some way my equal. Margaret Thatcher, she of blessed memory, must be turning in her grave."
Monday, 11 February 2013
The Pope Resigns.
Pope Benedict XVI shocked the world today by resigning the Holy See rather that waiting until he dies. Citing ill-health and failing mental faculties, he told a stunned world that he will no longer be interceding between the human race and their invisible friend in the sky. We asked the Vatican for a comment; "The Pope has found the strain of defending Medieval ideas in the modern world simply too much. Talking to God all day is no easy task. At 13.7 billion years of age He is somewhat hard of hearing and tends to shout a bit - God that is not the Pope. God was also getting a bit frustrated trying to explain Dark Matter and Dark Energy to a bloke that still thinks the world, if not flat, should be. For his part the Pope was getting equally frustrated that God wouldn't be told what he should think. All-in-all his Holiness thought that if God wasn't willing to be reasonable then it was time to ask for his P45." We asked an Ayatollah for his reaction; "Well it can't be easy talking all day to a God who isn't there. I've been telling him for years that he's got the wrong name and address for God and he didn't have a son in any case. He wouldn't be told so I suppose his resignation was inevitable. I've been talking to God about it and he said "It serves him right for wearing the wrong frock." Still the pay's not bad and the fringe benefits are pretty good - I might apply for the job myself."
Tim Montgomerie - Apologist-In-Chief Of The Tory Party.
Tom Montgomerie has been at it again in the "Times" today - trying to persuade the Tories that they must emphasise their commitment to "family values." This will show us all, he believes, that the Tory party has a "heart". Unfortunately Tory "family values" are held only by those who can afford them. For them the family consists of Mom and Dad and 2.4 children. Dad works, doing something in the City, Mom stays at home and cooks wholesome dinners made up entirely from fresh ingredients. The kids go to the local academy school, will be expected to get 75 GCSE's at "C" or above, will go to university and then land first-class jobs courtesy of Daddy's friends. They have a dog - not one of those nasty pitbulls but a nice fluffy one - which they take for walks with pooh-bag in hand. The daughter has a pony and will probably qualify for the next Olympics in dressage or show jumping, while the son is expected to win gold in yachting. All are fluent in Latin and Ancient Greek, are thoroughly familiar with Britain's heroic history based entirely on "Great Men" and attend church every Sunday. Meanwhile they are united in their view that anyone earning less than £100,000 is a peasant, that all disabled people are either faking it or crippled because they deserve it, that all the unemployed are natural-born shirkers and scroungers and that Europe is a hotbed of socialist conspiracy. Sounds just like my neighbours - not.
Friday, 8 February 2013
"Work Harder For Another Bedroom" Says MP
Yet another whey-faced bone-idle MP who has never done a real day's work in his life has decided to lecture working people about having too many bedrooms. Steve Webb himself stays at his one-bedroomed flat in London while representing his Bristol constituency at Westminister which, on the face of it, seems to indicate that he is a man of principle. However, the reason he stays in such a flat is because he sold his last flat for a nice fat profit, courtesy of the tax payer, while it was the taxpayer who also picked up the bill for the stamp duty involved. What Mr.Wbb has suggested is that those who lose out because of the bedroom tax should make up for it by working harder. Of course such considerations don't figure in his own budget arrangements since stealing public money means he doesn't pay for anything in the first place. Nor does it take into consideration that two thirds of the people affected by this tax are disabled or unemployed. We asked Mr.Webb for a comment; "I don't see what being unemployed or disabled has to do with it. They could always beg in the streets. This is all about fairness. Why should I, slumming it in my half-million pound one-bedroomed luxury apartment paid for by the taxpayer, have to subsidise some cripple through the taxes that I don't pay? Think of it from my point of view. When I'm slung out of Parliament for being a two-faced LibDem at the next election I'll be forced to sell my flat, pocket the profits and then return to Bristol without the benefit of an expense account. No wonder I'm depressed and forced to glum as much money out of the system as I can before I'm rumbled. The problem with all these cripples and unemployed scum is that they don't know what hard work is. I don't either, to be honest, but, then again, I don't have to do I? We're all in this together or, as I like to think of it, I'm all right Jack."
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Gove Makes His Bid For Party Leadership.
Michael Gove has laid out his qualifications as the next leader of the Tory party today. Having reversed every educational step forward for the last 150 years, Gove has now made the one indespensible move that is absolutely necessary to be a leader of the party - he has made a humilating u-turn on the most fundamental aspect of his policy. Forced into recognising that he no chance whatsoever of achieving his ambition of creating a school qualification reserved only for rich kids, he has no choice but to act as if he's the Education Secretary instead. We asked a senior Tory spokesman for his view; "Michael Gove has demonstrated that he has what it takes to be the next leader of our party. He's not only dismally stupid, he also has the skin of a rhino and is entirely out of touch with 99.9% of the population. We had high hopes for George Osborne, who is equally as well qualified to be leader, but we were quickly disabused when it emerged that his u-turns were ill-considered and he has failed to bankrupt the country quickly enough. His reputation was irrecoverably wrecked when he failed to tax pasties and lost a valuable opportunity to starve the peasants. Gove's ambition for all school lessons to be taught in Latin is revolutionary and leaves poor old George's ambition, to return us to the Middle Ages, looking rather pedestrian. We need more backward-looking people like Gove in the party and more people with completely unworkable ideas. Either that or we should all migrate to UKIP."
It's Official, Cameron Is A Moron.
The "Telegraph" has finally admited today what the rest of us have known for some time - Cameron really is as stupid as he looks. The first clue came when he appointed his cabinet - made up entirely of people so stupid he thought they might make him look clever. The problems began early when it emerged that George Osborne can't count, Theresa May thinks the police are no longer needed and Michael Gove believes that all school lessons should be in Latin. Andrew Lansley was a bit of a gamble since his lack of brain power was augmented by his sheer sliminess, but he quickly imploded. IDS too was so evil his essential idiocy was masked for a while, but his habit of assaulting people in wheel chairs soon exposed his basic lack of brain cells. As for Cameron himself, his latest attack on his own party has left many homophobic Tory backbenchers spinning in their early graves. Promoting gay marriage, of no interest to 97.5% of the population, has led to great muttering amongst the proudly bigoted in the party and a mass exodus to UKIP amongst the "huntin, shootin and fishin blue-rinse set." So bad is the leaking of blue blood some have doubted that the Tory party can survive even as the undead, though their habit of sucking the life-blood out of the country is set to increase rather than diminish. Nigel Farage in the meantime has welcomed his defacto leadership of the Tory party with his usual modesty and has blamed Johnnie Foreigner for undermining the British penchant for living in the 19th century.
Monday, 4 February 2013
Tories Welcome Discovery Of Richard III
The Tory party has welcomed the news from Leicester that the long-lost body of Richard III has been found. A Tory spokesman told our reporter; "We feel that the discovery that Richard III was indeed a useless cripple vindicates our present persecution of the disabled. Richard III was an early example of how the evil in our society are always marked by deformity and don't deserve public money to fund their evil ways. Of course because he was a cripple Richard doesn't deserve a burial in Westminster Abbey since this would generate adverse publicity against our fully justified pogrom against the disabled. Its a shame that howling mobs are no longer allowed to kill cripples and defile their bodies after death and we are contemplating bringing in legislation to return the ancient right for anyone to accuse cripples and the deformed of witchcraft."
The Great Pension Rip-Off.
In order to receive a state pension on which you can survive, the government tells us, you will need to work longer and pay more. The reason, they say, is because there are just too many old people in the country and they are living longer. It's all the fault of that pesky "baby boom" generation that came along after World War II. Of course 50 years ago we were told that was why we needed immigration into the country and it has continued at an ever-accelerating pace ever since. Yet, despite this, we seem to be in exactly the same position that we were before. The truth is that the wealthy simply don't want to pay taxes just to benefit the peasants. Having manufactured this "crisis" in state pensions they now tell us that we need private pensions that will augment and, eventually they hope, replace state provision completely. These pensions will be created, sold and managed by the banks - those paragons of probity and trustworthiness that we've all come to love so much. The money that we pay in will give them the wherewithal to continue to do what they love best - gambling with someone else's money and extracting lucrative "management fees" for doing as little as possible. In return for controlling your money for an entire lifetime they will then sell you an annuity with a pitiful rate of return that, they hope, will mean you will never live long enough to get your money back. Up until recently you at least had the choice to keep control of your own money if you chose and to make whatever investments you thought fit. The banks would always insist that "best advice" was to save into a pension, but that advice was never true. Now the government, having consulted closely with the banks, has taken that choice out of your hands. Now you have to give the banks your money whether you want to or not and then accept whatever terrible rate of return their annuities yield. This is nothing more than a pact between the greedy who don't want to pay taxes and the even greedier who want to perpetuate a failed financial system that works only to their benefit.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Mystery Fall In Unemployment Without Jobs Explained.
The mystery as to how the government has brought down unemployment while, at the same time, wrecking the economy has been made clear today by the BBC in a rare departure from their normal support of the Tories. It would seem that welfare to work corporate sharks have been taking the line of least resistence and encouraging the unemployed to pretend they are self-employment so they can claim working tax credits instead of benefits. Essentially they have been perpetrating a confidence trick at public expense and pocketing huge amounts of money in the process. This is hardly surprising since they are a bunch of crooks and have been encouraged to plunder the public purse by another bunch of crooks who like to call themselves "the government." The Tories have managed to privatise unemployment and turn it into cash cow for the corporations they themselves have invested in just as they have with the NHS. Nearly all of the so-called "reforms" that the Tory party has introduced so far are little more than a licence for them to print money for themselves and, as such, are corruption on a literally industrial scale. They may have an Eton and Oxbridge education but this latest inacrnation of the Tory party are spivs pure and simple, the lowest form of pond life - confidence tricksters.
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Tories Sharpen The Knives.
David Cameron has done his level best to please the Eurosceptic nutters in his party by offering an "in-out" referendum on British membership of the EU - well sort of. The Eurosceptics immediately showed their appreciation by stepping up their campaign to oust Cameron and replace him with an even bigger idiot. The choice, unfortunately, is narrowing. Only two senior Tories seem to have any chance of becoming the next Tory Prime Minister - Theresa May or Michael Gove. The only other big hitters in the party, the unelectable baldies David Hague and Ian Duncan Smith, have already had their go and fluffed it while George Osborne is too big a moron even for the Tories to contemplate. So, they are left with Theresa May who has managed to turn even the police against them or Michael Gove who is not taken seriously by anyone outside of Lalaland. So why are they so intent of getting rid of Cameron - surely their only real hope of winning the next election? In a word, the LibDems. They simply cannot forgive Cameron for failing to give them the majority they need to indulge all their nasty little fantasies and then taking them into coalition with the hated LibDems who they blame for putting a brake on them. Of course the truth is that it was the electorate who put the brake on them, but they don't care too much for democracy in any case. Their real choice for leader, given the chance, would be Nigel Farage but he's unavailable. So its a matter of burning Cameron at the stake and then hoping for the worst.
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