The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Corruption Widespread At Westminster.

While MP's continue to plunder public money for everyday expenses that the rest of us have to pay for ourselves despite "reforming the expenses system," it has been revealed today by the chairman of Committee on Standards in Public Life, Sir Christopher Kelly, that political party "doners" are "given unequal access to decision making." In other and more blunt words political parties are accepting bribes to alter policy from big business while voters are largely ignored. It is common knowledge that £50,000 will buy access to a senior Minister, while the price of a public honour such as a knighthood is £100,000. The latest example has been the overhauling of the planning laws which has been described as a "licence to print money" for property speculators. We asked a Tory party spokesperson for the government's view; "Such accusations are entirely without foundation and more than likely. There is no corruption at Westminster - well none that can be proven at any rate. What we need in this country is strong and honest leaders and, if we ever find any, we'll let you know. In the meantime I can only stress that Westminster will continue with its usual business - and when I say "business" I mean exactly that. Now, if there's nothing more, you've had your money's worth and my time is valuable - depending on what policy you want "influenced."

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