The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Sunday 11 December 2011

The Tory Record.

David Cameron's insanity in Europe will now pass into history and legend. The Tory right are preening themselves, clapping each other on the back and directing smug self-satisfied smiles at their Coalition partners. So how has right-wing Tory policy turned out in the past? They were against both the American and French revolutions, dragged their feet when it came to abolishing the slave trade, they supported the Corn Laws which threatened Britain with mass starvation, supported civil war in Ireland, invented appeaement to facism during the 1930's, resisted the independence of India and inflicted the inequalities and sheer insanity of monetarism on Britain in the 1980's. Not too good so far. Now they've had their way in Europe and what, exactly have they won? Britain is now isolated, ignored and vilified. Cameron got none of the things he said he wanted and will have no further say in what is finally decided. The national interest? Tories wouldn't recognise it if it bit them in the arse.

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