The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Sunday 4 December 2011

BBC Favour Arrival Of Panda's Over Real News.

While real newsgathering organizations are reporting stories about how the Tories are throwing thousands of young people onto the streets, are accepting "donations" from criminals and giving away your personal information to their corporate friends, the BBC has spent nearly all day reporting live on the arrival of two pandas in Scotland. We asked a BBC spokesperson why this is; "It was a Godsend to be honest. When you have a bunch of loudmouthed Tories wandering around the country aimlessly and making disgusting speeches about how poor people are all scum, you really do need something to divert attention. We managed to mention one of the stories but had to make sure we chose the least damaging to our Tory pals. That's why we selected the one about the NHS and the release of information to their fellow corporate conspirators. Let's face it compared to the Tory plans for privatisation and denying terminal patient's benefits, that titbit is small beer. We have to run stories like this occasionally to keep up the illusion that we're still impartial. At least the Pandas will keep the bloody Scottish quiet for a while."

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