The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Why Corbyn's Economic Policy Makes Sense.

Let us first consider a few statements made by the psychopaths who run the Tory party. David Cameron asks us to believe that there is no connection between increasing poverty and cuts to the benefit system. Iain Duncan Smith assures us that there is no connection between benefit sanctions and the suicide of those left destitute by those sanctions. Boris Johnson tells us that today's junior doctor's strike is because they are 'in the grip of advanced Corbynitis'. Jeremy Hunt tells us that the NHS, amidst its worst crisis in 60 years, is "safe" in his hands. The one thing that connects all of these statements together is that they are all obvious falsehoods, pedaled by cheap crooks who are seeking only to reward themselves with nice juicy tax cuts. These people, together with several Tories inside the Labour Party, also tell us that Jeremy Corbyn's economic plans will lead to economic meltdown, that Corbyn is an economic illiterate and that his policies are too left-wing. So how does this square with a letter written by 41 leading economists, including a former adviser to the Bank of England? “The accusation is widely made that Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters have moved to the extreme left on economic policy. But this is not supported by the candidate’s statements or policies. His opposition to austerity is actually mainstream economics, even backed by the conservative IMF. He aims to boost growth and prosperity. Despite the barrage of media coverage to the contrary, it is the current government’s policy and its objectives which are extreme. The attempt to produce a balanced public sector budget primarily through cuts to spending failed in the previous parliament. Increasing child poverty and cutting support for the most vulnerable is unjustifiable. Cutting government investment in the name of prudence is wrong because it prevents growth, innovation and productivity increases which are all much needed by our economy, and so over time increases the debt due to lower tax receipts. We the undersigned are not all supporters of Jeremy Corbyn. But we hope to clarify just where the ‘extremism’ lies in the current economic debate." So who should we believe? A bunch of self-seeking, greedy, selfish crooks or people who actually know what they are talking about?

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