The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Osborne Cancels The Recovery For Ordinary People.

The full effects of George Osborne's economic policy are becoming increasingly clear and the news is not good. As the "Guardian" points out, even if the next eight years were to be a golden age of economic recovery and expansion most people in this country would get no benefit from it whatsoever - nothing. In fact, by 2020, the bottom half of the population could expect their income to drop by at least 3% while the top half would see a steady rise in their take home pay. Osborne has effectively entrenched the economic divide and, with no recovery in sight, the reality of this is bound to be even more stark. There can no longer be any doubt as to who is going to bear the burden for the criminal behaviour of the banks or for the utter and complete failure of the neoliberal economic experiment. Osborne has picked his victims and nothing, short of revolution, will deflect him from his aim of pauperising the entire country to protect the wealth of both himself and his Tory-voting, tax-dodging, greedy and selfish pals. Like Mitt Romney in the US, he's simply not interested in half of his fellow countrymen because he regards them as peasants - even if some of them are stupid enough to vote Tory. As Andrew Mitchell so elegantly put it, we "f**king plebs" should "know our place."


  1. I loved Clinton's soundbite: 'we cannot double-down on tickle-down'.

  2. Absolutely correct.
    We need a re-vitalised and radical Labour party to come to the fore.
    Walking the same old path as the last 30 odd years is not going to be good enough. We need to start transforming Britain as a society.
    If Clement Atlee and Nye Bevan could do it once before in an age of Austerity then we can do it again.
