The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Trump Warns That Biden Will "Demolish The American Nightmare".

President Trump, the man with the world's biggest mouth and smallest brain, has warned Americans that, if Joe Biden wins the election in November, America's four-year nightmare will be over. "The hoardes of gun-toting Nazi-inspired good Americans will be replaced by violent anarchists armed with vicious leaflets," he told the faithful. "Before you know it the Democrats will pass laws to make the wearing of masks mandatory in an insidious plan to save American lives. No 17-year-old armed with an assault rifle will be safe while blacks, hispanics and other assorted foreigners will no longer be content to be hunted in the streets. This election will decide whether we save the American dream," he said, "or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny of becoming the people your grandfathers fought in World War II to defeat. Your vote will decide whether we protect law-abiding Americans such as Kyle Rittenhouse, or whether we give free rein to violent anarchists, agitators and criminals who threaten our citizens and insist on being shot just to annoy me. I ask you a very simple question" he added, "how can the Democrat party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country while everyone knows we can do a much better job? In the left's backward view, they do not see America as the most free, just and exceptional nation on earth, a country where you are free to infect your neighbours with a deadly disease, where justice eminates from a gun barrel rather than in the courts and where you are able to be as execeptionally stupid as you've always wanted to be."

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