The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Trump Tries To Promote A New Civil War.

Donald Trump is throwing his dummy out of the pram. He has lost the election because he's an idiot and, because he's an idiot, he cannot accept the result of the election. His intransegence, however, is threatening the very basis of US democracy as it also threatens the lives of thousands of American citizens as Coronavirus rips through the country. His accusations of voter fraud are clearly nonsense but many in the Republican party are willing to go along with it for their own short-term political advantage. They are risking the entire basis of America's much vaunted democracy for their own ends - something that is little short of treason. Trump, with the aid of the GOP and the right-wing press, is trying to stage a coup d'etat and set himself up as a monarch. The only route by which he can achieve this is to cross a modern American Rubicon and call out his crazed supporters to spark a new Civil War. America is standing on the brink and Trump's boss, Vladimir Putin, can hardly believe his luck.