The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Ian Duncan Smith Criticises Bishops.

Ian Duncan Smith, the genius behind the policy of making the poor even poorer, has criticised the Church of England for not backing his plans; "The problem with the Bishops in the Church of England is that they don't understand Christianity nor do I understand why they don't come to me and ask for my permission before they comment. As Jesus Christ's best pal and having direct access to God they should consult with me on all matters of religious belief. Jesus said quite clearly in his election manifesto that rewarding the rich and punishing the poor is what God expects and I am determined to deliver on that pledge. Putting poor people into houses they can't afford is evil. Keeping rich people in houses they can't afford is good. Everyone who votes Tory knows that - why don't the Bishops?"

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